My brain’s been a stewing about 2010, and I just gotta let it all out. If I’m even half right, 2010 will be awesome. 1. Hulu in the Living Room In 2010, Hulu will partner with a company like Western Digital or Popcorn Hour to release a tiny box that connects to your HDTV to […]
Earlier this year, a shiny new iMac graced my home (increasing my resale value by about 10%, according to Zillow). Since then, I’ve had to replace my keyboard three times due to drool damage. It happened again tonight, this time compliments of the Time Machine menu bar icon (I know, it’s a curse). I noticed […]
Qt’s powerful stylesheet system can make your boring progress bars look really cool. Screenshot: Here’s the code: QProgressBar { border: 1px solid black; text-align: top; padding: 1px; border-bottom-right-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 0.4999 #eee, stop: 0.5 #ddd, stop: 1 #eee ); width: […]
If multithreading is challenging to get right in your applications, then lock-free multithreading is down-right killer. This article won’t go into detail about lock-free algorithms, but instead I will offer a “poor man’s” method for crossing thread boundaries in Qt without using locks (no mutexes, no semaphores). At least, your code won’t have any locks. […]
Here’s a question for Qt hackers: Does Qt implement the Model/View/Presenter design pattern? The short answer is (drumroll): it depends on some stuff. Let’s dive into it and give you a real answer. First of all, I am no Model/View/Presenter expert. I’ve only read what little information is available online, and I’ve never implemented an […]
In some applications, a nice looking sidebar can really add some polish. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to make a sidebar using nothing but Designer and Qt’s stylesheets. When we’re done, we’ll have this: Step 1 Open Designer and create a new widget for your app. Enjoy the blank slate for a moment. […]
To demonstrate the awesomeness of Qt’s stylesheets, we’ll make a modern looking button bar (inspired by Qt Creator) that looks like this: Let’s get started Step 1 Open Designer and create a new empty widget: Step 2 Toss a couple QFrames on the widget, one above the other. Name them topFrame and bottomFrame, like this: […]
Stylesheets add spicy flavor to your boring Qt GUIs. For a long time, Qt has allowed you to decorate your GUIs with CSS’ish style sheets. Inspired by the web, stylesheets are a great way to stylize your Qt GUI, but it seems that few people use them. In this tutorial, we’ll create an example dialog […]
Mozy has been working fine on my Mac for about 6 months (aside from the massive memory usage it requires during backup), but starting about a week ago, I can’t make Mozy finish (or even start) a backup. I’ve tried uninstalling it, removing all configs, reinstalling it, using the shipped config defaults, and I still […]
I’ve been enjoying looking down my nose at the world ever since getting my Apple iMac, but today my haughty soul was humbled by a personal fail. I bought some more RAM to upgrade it. The RAM works fine. I tested it in my Dell laptop. The iMac, however, rejected it like an English queen […]