M&Ms are yummy. At work we have ginormous bags of M&Ms to snack on. One day I reached into the bag and pulled out a handful (about 8 M&Ms). I happily munched until there were 4 left. Lo and behold! The remaining 4 were all blue. “What are the odds,” I asked myself. So I […]
My new Parkzone Habu ducted fan jet arrived in the mail this week. I put it together and provide this walkthrough for the benefit of those who have not yet purchased their Habu (hint: just do it). Stay tuned for the flight report in a couple weeks. Parkzone Habu Walk Through from djsmith on Vimeo. […]
My office has a piece-of-junk Comcast cable modem that often needs to be rebooted. I got tired of walking back to the network closet, so I bought a USB relay for $30. Yeah, I could have simply bought a better modem, but where’s the fun in that? Here’s a photo of the relay board: After […]
Seriously. I don’t know how I ever created a Qt user interface without using stylesheets. This was, by far, the best idea Trolltech ever had. For today’s show-and-tell, I give you a nifty-looking QSlider with some nice gradient style applied to it: The handle has a nice hover effect, the bar has a moving gradient […]
I’ve encountered this problem a handful of times over the past few years using Qt’s layouts. Qt generally does a great job making sure that your Windows cannot be resized too small such that your content would be truncated. However, it seems that introducing a QStackedWidget causes a problem. These two screenshots illustrate the issue: […]