Communication Between Directives in AngularJS

Warning: This article is long and thorough. If you’re in a hurry, you can skip straight to the final product here: Prerequisites to this article Before reading this, get to know these AngularJS terms. You don’t need too much depth, but you need to know what they are: Directive Scope Controller Injecting services into […]

Benefits of loans

Loans are a convenient way to acquire assets that don’t have an immediate economic benefit, but which can provide long-term liquidity, and in this case can help finance long-term growth. The Federal Reserve has provided a lot of aid to banks that are facing the difficulties that have been occurring in the real estate market. […]

The Code Quality Continuum

What does it take to write high quality code? Here’s a little table that I use to judge my own code quality: Future axes to add: Ratio of the initial development cost to the long term maintenance cost Code testability: Code can be manually tested, code can be tested with automation, code can be tested […]