Five Years of Blogging

This month, my blog matured to the age of 5 years. That’s like 37 in dog years, and 800 in Internet years.

Mom, I hope you’re proud. This is all I’ve got to show for myself.

5 comments to “Five Years of Blogging”

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  1. You are an inspiration to us all…

  2. And after 5 years you’ve actually managed to attract occasional lurkers, real honest to goodness people and not just scripts belonging to wordpress spammers. Some day I hope to join you the echelons of mediocrity. ;)

    Congratulations on 5 years, now get with the posting already, it’s been months.

  3. I have just discovered your blog. From now on, it will be a dialy must read. Thank you very much for sharing your knowdledge

  4. http://Nie%20Pin says: -#1

    Hi, dear Dave,
    Happy 5th blogging birthday :)
    Despite your humble attitude, your blog is one of the most useful technique showcase I found on the Internet.

    Thanks :)

  5. Thanks Mr. Smith for the 5 years of blogging you have gifted us with. I look forward to at least another 5 years. :)